
Secrets To Lower Auto Insurance Premiums

Insurance Blog

Are you thinking about getting a new car soon? Are you wondering if your current insurance policy is good enough or if you'll need to get a new one? If you're buying a brand new car, insurance can seem very expensive. But it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are some secrets to getting cheaper auto insurance: Get homeowners or renters insurance: If you don't already insure your home, you should seriously consider doing so.

29 January 2016

How To Determine How Much Cyber Security Business Insurance You Need

Insurance Blog

Protecting your customers and your own company from a digital security breach is essential, but even with a robust security infrastructure, some hackers may be able to breach your database or gain access to a social media account. The only way to be truly protected from such an event is to purchase cyber security insurance. Then, even if your security measures fail, you will be reimbursed for the damages that result.

23 January 2016

4 Health Insurance Terms To Know

Insurance Blog

When it comes to choosing a health insurance plan, it can be confusing to determine exactly how much you will be paying on top of your monthly premium. There are many terms that are used to describe what you will be paying, but you may not be clear on what these terms mean exactly. Here are four common health insurance terms that you should know that can explain what you will be paying for health services:

12 January 2016

Three Types Of Damage Your Home Insurance Policy May Not Cover

Insurance Blog

Almost every homeowner has an insurance policy to protect their property from damage, but what you may not realize is that there are limitations to this policy. It is possible that you may believe you have coverage for certain types of damage, but you do not. You want to avoid finding out that you have little or no coverage for significant damage to your home after the damage has occurred. The following are three areas of financial loss that are probably not a part of your insurance policy.

23 December 2015

4 Factors That Determine Your Auto Insurance Rates

Insurance Blog

Auto insurance rates are definitely something that you want to keep as low as possible. After all, the cost of owning a car is high, you don't want to add extra expense on top of that by paying too much for auto insurance, as well. There are some factors that you have a little bit of control over and others that you do not. Knowing what factors are going to affect your rate can help you to better understand what you are currently paying and why.

10 December 2015

How Telematics Could Affect Your Home Insurance

Insurance Blog

Telematics is an integration of telecommunications and information and communication technology. It involves the wireless transfer of computerized information over long distances. For example, auto insurers have been using telematics to gather essential data from their clients' cars; data they use to gauge drivers' behaviors. Now the technology is creeping into the home insurance industry. How It Works In the home insurance sub-industry, telematics can help insurers to collect data from smart home products.

23 November 2015

Three Factors That Can Affect The Price Of Your Life Insurance

Insurance Blog

Insurance companies lose a lot of money if you die while you're their customer, so any risk you take is a risk for them. Because of this, insurance companies tend to charge more for people with risky behaviors or health risks. Here are three of these risk factors that affect insurance rates. 1. Health conditions Pre-existing conditions are a big risk factor that insurance companies may sometimes even be unwilling to take on.

4 November 2015

Getting In The Know About Lesser-Known Auto Insurance Discounts

Insurance Blog

Most auto insurance companies offer discounts to help lower the cost of premiums, but often it's up to you to ask. Although the types of discounts insurers offer vary, not all of which are available in every state, there are ways to save on your auto insurance that you might not know. Use the "Like" Button On Facebook If you use Facebook, "liking" your insurance company on its Facebook page may get you a discount.

21 October 2015

Medicare And Medicaid: Are These Two Medical Plans The Same Thing?

Insurance Blog

People sometimes refer to Medicare and Medicaid interchangeably without really knowing if they're quite the same or not. In fact, Medicare and Medicaid are actually two very different types of medical plans. The confusion may arise because both begin with the "Medi" prefix, or it could be because there are many people who may qualify for both programs. Keep reading to learn which program is which, and how to tell whether you are eligible for one or both of them.

8 October 2015

Tips To Avoid Buying A New Home That Comes With Costly Insurance Rates

Insurance Blog

Are you shopping for a new home and are worried about the cost of your homeowners insurance increasing? To ensure the new home that you buy will allow you to receive low insurance quotes, there are many things to consider, such as: Neighborhood Crime Reports: The higher the crime rate in the neighborhood that you are looking into, the more likely you are to receive a higher insurance rate. This is because your home will become a bigger liability for your insurance company.

23 September 2015